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Warum haben wir Husten und Schnupfen?

In unserer Studie MAK-5-50+ bestimmen wir mittels Schnelltest, welche Viren (Corona, Influenza A und B, Adeno, RSV) Erkältungssymptome bei Personen in ganz Deutschland hervorrufen. Die Tests funktionieren wie Corona-Tests, können aber fünf Viren anzeigen. Die Untersuchung geht über ein Jahr. Die Teilnehmenden bekommen die Tests per Post zugeschickt und melden die Ergebnisse online.

Sie können die Ergebnisse live hier verfolgen. Die Daten werden regelmäßig von uns aktualisiert. Weitere Informationen:

Why do we have cough and colds?

In our MAK-5-50+ study, we use rapid tests to determine which viruses (COVID, Influenza A and B, Adenovirus, RSV) cause cold symptoms in people throughout Germany. The tests work like COVID tests, but can detect five viruses. The study covers the period of one year. Participants receive the tests by post and report the results online.

You can follow the results here. We will update the data regularly. Further information:


Visit our new Volunteer Registry Website


is the pan-European backbone for the acceleration of phase 2 & 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials. The overall objective is to connect all European stakeholders involved in vaccine development to provide  a pan-European platform for clinical trial design and conduct.

VACCELERATE Clinical Studies


Find out more about the actively enrolling clinical studies of VACCELERATE.

Volunteer Registry

> 107.000 Volunteers

We have set up a database in which you can register if you are interested in participating in a clinical study.

Clinical Trial Sites

491 Sites

The VACCELERATE Site Network is a platform for experienced clinical trial sites interested in conducting COVID-19 vaccine studies. You can register by answering a short questionnaire.

What is VACCELERATE about? 

Interview with Prof. Oliver Cornely and Prof. Joe Schmitt from GHP ( on the acceleration of vaccine trials with Vaccelerate:


The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an attack on our most basic values of freedom and democracy.

Our full solidarity goes out to the Ukrainian people.

VACCELERATE and its partners strongly condemn Russia's attack on Ukraine in violation of international law. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an indescribable assault on the pillars of our society: freedom, democracy, self-determination and integrity. Our full solidarity goes out to the Ukrainian people.

To express this solidarity, we have decided to deactivate the sites from Belarus and Russia that are represented in the VACCELERATE Site Network. We do not know individual political views and we apologize for the inconvenience. Unfortunately, in this situation we cannot make individual decisions but have to take a clear position. The protection of our values is paramount for us.

We hope that the political situation will change as soon as possible, so that we will be able to reverse this decision.