

Upcoming VACCELERATE Webinar 

EU-COVAT-1 AGED: COVID-19 Booster Vaccination in people of advanced age



27-30 April 2024 Barcelona, Spain

Identification of educational needs of Cypriot patients​

The VACCELERATE Cyprus team wants to conduct a study (questionnaire) for the identification of patient advocacy groups educational needs in Cyprus. This study will help EUPATI (European Patient’s Academy on Therapeutic Innovation) Cyprus to create an educational lab based on the official guidelines of EUPATI (central).

Prof. Bruijning-Verhagen in Cyprus

It was a great pleasure to host the WP5 Leads of the VACCELERATE pan European Scientific Consortium, Professor Patricia Bruijning-Verhagen and Sanne Hofstraat from the UMC Utrecht, in Cyprus at the Medical School of the European University Cyprus.

The aim of the visit was to perform clinical site visits and interviews with local stakeholders across Cyprus to foster capacity building in the field of clinicaltrials in Cyprus. It was discussed about missed opportunities, the current barriers and possible #acilitators to improve the Cypriot clinical research ecosystem with concrete actions.

Survey to explore the willingness of future physicians and healthcare professionals

VACCELERATE has adapted a survey in an attempt to explore willingness of future physicians and healthcare professionals to contribute to advancements in healthcare by participating in COVID-19 vaccine trials. The objective is to understand the willingness of future healthcare professionals, across Europe, to participate in vaccine trials and provide valuable insights on the mindset of future physicians and healthcare providers.

To date over 600 responses have been recorded with Germany in the lead with 297 responses, followed by Sweden and then Cyprus. Understanding the willingness of this group will provide insights on the concerns and reluctance of participating in vaccine trials.

A press conference will be held on 29th September, 2023, to present the collective results gathered from a questionnaire designed by a collaboration between EUPATI Cyprus and European University Cyprus.

English version:

Exciting news from Switzerland! 

We're thrilled to announce our groundbreaking partnership with Working Bicycles, all while treading lightly on the ecological path. 🚴‍♂️ Pedaling Progress: Together for a greener world! At VACCELERATE, we are not just transforming lives and healthcare; we are doing it sustainably. Ready to be a part of this incredible journey?

Join us today at the Volunteer Registry and pedal your way to a brighter future! 


VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry boost in Sweden

The Swedish VACCELERATE team has had a busy time working to engage more individuals in vaccine research. With the aim of boosting the number of registrations in the VACCELERATE registry, an ambitious new communications campaign was rolled out. This targeted a wide spectrum of characteristics and focused on generating a registry of high quality. With the assistance of the CO in Cologne, new materials were designed and printed.

Multiple channels were harnessed, including social media, advertising in private vaccination clinics, and targeted outreach to universities and companies. The result was a more than 300% increase in registrations – from 70 to 231. 


VACCELERATE Volunteer Webinar December 11 2023

VACCELERATE Arzt-Patient:innen Webinar Wir sind erkältet und bald ist Weihnachten (in German)

We are very happy to announce that Module I of our Study Nurse Course is now online!

The course is designed for study/research nurses and will provide the needed expertise to conduct a clinical trial in line with the ICH GCP guidelines. Next to the regulatory background, the course also tackles and trains practical aspects necessary for the daily work of a study nurse. A well-trained trial centre is essential for the success of a clinical trial.

The total duration of the complete course (consisting of three modules) will provide learning material of about 30 hours (Module I: 9.5 hours). After each module, a certificate of completion can be downloaded.

More information:

On January 25th 2023 the VACCELERATE team from Cyprus joined a EUPATI ( meeting to support and enhance the role of patient advocacy groups in vaccine clinical research. They provided a gift with the VACCELERATE educational cards.


We are happy to send you the pdf versions of our newsletters including the links providing further information on the topics: 


Published in September 2024.


Published in March 2024.


Published in December 2023.


Published in September 2023.


Published in June 2023.


Published in March 2023.


Published in December 2022. 


Published in September 2022. 


Published in July 2022. 

VACCELERATE Press Releases

17.07.2024 / Innovative approach to vaccine trials and pandemic preparedness:

20.04.2024 / Study shows more than half of global infectious diseases experts surveyed rate influenza as the number one pathogen of concern of pandemic potential:

19.01.2024 / VACCELERATE APT Workshop in Cologne: A paradigm shift towards a learning health system:

12.01.2023 / Would You Take Part in A Clinical Vaccine Trial? A Survey on COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Participation by the EU-funded project VACCELERATE: Willingness to participate in COVID-19 vaccine trials (

19.09.2022 / VACCELERATE Network Supports Diagnostics and Treatment of Monkeypox:

29.08.2022 / Lietuvoje jau veikia VACCELERATE savanorių dalyvauti klinikiniuose tyrimuose registras:

25.08.2022 / First children participate in UMC Utrecht-led study: Is one COVID-19 vaccination dose enough for kids?

28.07.2022 / The VACCELERATE Volunteer Clinical Trial Registry is launched in Italy:

21.07.2022 / How many COVID-19 infections are there in Germany? Pilot study in Cologne investigates high dark figure: (German translation:

15.03.2022 / VACCELERATE study on the effectiveness of a second booster shot begins in Ireland:

22.02.2022 / Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset söker fler deltagare i kampen mot framtida pandemier: Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset söker fler deltagare i kampen mot framtida pandemier – Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset (

16.02.2022 / Wer sollte wann weiteren Booster bekommen?:

05.11.2021 / Studie zur Wirksamkeit der „Boosterimpfung“ gegen Corona startet:

22.07.2021 / Coronavirus: Commission steps up research funding with €120 million for 11 new projects to tackle the virus and its variants (European Commission):

12.04.2021 / Cologne’s university medicine to coordinate EU vaccine research network (Coimbra Group):

16.03.2021 COMBACTE To Support Vaccine Trial Network VACCELERATE (Combacte):

15.03.2021 / 12 Million for European COVID-19 Vaccine Research (Combacte):

18.02.2021 / Neues Konsortium koordiniert EU-Impfstoff-Forschungsnetzwerk:

18.02.2021 / Cologne’s university medicine to coordinate EU vaccine research network VACCELERATE (CECAD):

17.02.2021 / EU to invest €150 million for research to counter coronavirus variants (European Commission):



22.07.2024 / Impfstoff: Neue Studienform soll Entwicklung beschleunigen (Ärzteblatt):

27.05.2024 / Viele schauten hoch – Seltenes Schauspiel am Kölner Abendhimmel – jetzt ist klar, was dahintersteckt (Express):

03.05.2024 / Bármikor kitörhet egy újabb világjárvány (Magyar Hirlap):

28.04.2024 / Researchers warn: These viruses could cause the next pandemic (Breaking Latest News):

25.04.2024 / Грипът се смята за най-голямата пандемична заплаха (Hayka Off News):

24.04.2024 / Cientistas esperam nova pandemia (Terra Brasil Noticias):

24.04.2024 / El virus que podría causar la próxima pandemia, advierten científicos (TV Azteka):

24.04.2024 / ALERTA global: vírus brasileiro pode desencadear a próxima pandemia mundial (ESCOLA educacao):

23.04.2024 / Influenza is considered the biggest pandemic threat (Earth):

23.04.2024 / Influenza is the most dangerous pandemic threat, according to infectious disease experts (Motions Online):

23.04.2024 / Expertos señalan a la influenza como protagonista de la próxima pandemia (Webconsultas):

23.04.2024 / Influenza e SARS tra i più probabili responsabili di future pandemie secondo gli esperti (Doctor 33):

23.04.2024 / Após estudos, cientistas alertam para possibilidade de ‘nova pandemia’ (Portal Da Cidade):

23.04.2024 / Nyilvánosságra hoztak egy listát a vírusokról, amelyek bármikor világjárványt okozhatnak (SMSZ Press):

22.04.2024 / Cientistas fazem ALERTA sobre qual VÍRUS deve causar próxima PANDEMIA; SAIBA QUAL Portal de Prefeitura):

22.04.2024 / Após estudos, cientistas alertam para possibilidade de ‘nova pandemia’ (nd+):

22.04.2024 / A próxima pandemia que pode assolar o mundo provavelmente surgirá de uma variante ou mutação do vírus influenza (Gazeta de Varginha):

22.04.2024 / Gripa, principalul agent patogen cu potențial pandemic. Ce spun experții mondiali (360 Medical):

22.04.2024 / Expertos apuntan a la gripe como el patógeno con mayor potencial pandémica (Infosalus):

22.04.2024 / Новая пандемия может начаться в мире из-за гриппа (Teleport 2001):

22.04.2024 / Vírus conhecido pode causar a próxima pandemia, alertam cientistas (Terra):,3d23abec4196fcd7c52efa4fdd37328cu5qr3kjk.html#google_vignette

22.04.2024 / Influenza hat laut Experten von allen Erregern das größte Pandemie-Potenzial (MDR):

22.04.2024 / Flu most likely virus to cause next pandemic, experts warn (Independent):

22.04.2024 / Estudo aponta alta chance de nova pandemia de Influenza Vale 24 Horas):

21.04.2024 / ESCMID: грипп — самый опасный вирус по пандемическому потенциалу (Planet Today):

21.04.2024 / آنفولانزا در صدر بزرگترین بیماری‌های فراگیر جهان (Technoc):

21.04.2024 / Influenza pode causar proxima pandemia diz estudo (Valor):

21.04.2024 / Expertos califican a la influenza como principal riesgo pandemico (Notipress):

21.04.2024 / Cientistas fazem alerta sobre qual vírus deve causar próxima pandemia (Oglobo):

21.04.2024 / Influenza pode causar proxima pandemia diz estudo (Valor):

21.04.2024 / ALERTA: Cientistas apontam qual vírus deve causar a próxima pandemia (Terra Brasil Noticias):

21.04.2024 / New study rates influenza as the top pandemic threat, here’s why (Intersting Engineering):

21.04.2024 / Preparando armas contra la proxima pandemia (Press Reader):

20.04.2024 / Next pandemic likely to be caused by flu virus, scientists warn (The Guardina):

29.09.2023 / Παρουσίαση αποτελεσμάτων έρευνας από το Eupati Cyprus και το European University με στόχο την ανίχνευση των εκπαιδευτικών αναγκών των ασθενών στην Κύπρο (ANT Live):

29.09.2023 / Παρουσίαση αποτελεσμάτων έρευνας από το Eupati Cyprus και το European University με στόχο την ανίχνευση των εκπαιδευτικών αναγκών των ασθενών στην Κύπρο (Cyprus News):

29.09.2023 / Οι εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες των ασθενών στην Κύπρο-Τι κατέδειξε έρευνα (In Business News):

23.12.2022 / Johanna Massy (64) is 50.000ste vrijwilliger bij Vaccinopolis: “Door deel te nemen hoop ik de wetenschap vooruit te helpen” (HLN):

23.11.2022 / Výzkumná síť VACCELERATE: staňte se součástí výzva registru dobrovolníků (MUNI MED):

10.10.2022 / Corona-Pandemie wurde zum Booster für Vakzinologie (K.AT News):

20.09.2022 / Η Ελλάδα στον χάρτη των κλινικών δοκιμών εμβολίων κατά της CoViD (Iatronet):

28.07.2022 / Nasce in Italia „VACCELERATE“, il registro degli studi clinici volontari: Verona è capofila nazionale (Mattino Verona):

28.07.2022 / Partecipare a studi su prodotti anti-pandemie, al via registro volontari (Lafreccia):

28.07.2022 / Nasce in Italia „VACCELERATE“, il registro degli studi clinici volontari: Verona è capofila nazionale (In salute news):

28.07.2022 / Covid: attivo in Italia registro volontari „VACCELERATE“ Database permette di aderire a progretti sul vaccino (Federfarma):

28.07.2022 / Partecipare a studi su prodotti anti-pandemie, al via registro volontari (Corriere Del Umbria):

28.07.2022 / L'università di Verona riferimento nazionale del Registro degli studi clinici volontari „VACCELERATE“ (Primoweb):

28.07.2022 / Arriva in Italia registro die volontari per participare a studi clinici sui vaccini (Veronasera):

28.07.2022 / Partecipare a studi su prodotti anti-pandemie, al via registro volontari (Olbia Notizie):

28.07.2022 / Partecipare a studi su prodotti anti-pandemie, al via registro volontari (Tiscali News):

28.07.2022 / Partecipare a studi su prodotti anti-pandemie, al via registro volontari (Affaritaliani):

28.07.2022 / Nasce in Italia „VACCELERATE“, il registro degli studi clinici volontari: Verona è capofila nazionale (A Salute & Benessere):

26.07.2022 / UMC Utrecht is investigating whether one corona jab in children works just as well as two (Time.News):

26.07.2022 / Onderzoek naar 1 of 2 coronaprikken bij kinderen (UMC Utrecht):

27.03.2022 / Antibodies could determine fourth vaccine eligibility – study:

24.01.2022 / VACCELERATE: Volunteer Registry: A European Study Participant Database to Facilitate Clinical Trial Enrolment (THE LANCET Preprint):

06.01.2022 / Nach dem Booster: Brauchen wir bald noch eine vierte Impfung gegen Corona? (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger):–39359316

19.12.2021 / Die Vierte Impfung. Impfstoff gegen Omikron (Zeit):

13.12.2021 / Mehrere Impfversuche bei initialen Non-Respondern machen“ (Ärzteblatt):

08.12.2021 / Interview with Zoi D. Pana about the situation in Cyprus and the VACCELERATE network (Offsite):

03.12.2021 / Interview with Oliver Cornely and Zoi D. Pana (Alpha Channel CY):

23.11.2021 / Interview „Seit März 2020 im Lockdown“ (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger): Print

15.11.2021 / Lietuvoje pradėtas COVID-19 stiprinamosios vakcinos dozės tyrimas (Lrytas):

15.11.2021 / Pradėtas COVID-19 stiprinamosios vakcinos dozės tyrimas (Santaros Klinikos):

12.11.2021 / Studie untersucht Booster-Effekt (Kölnische Rundschau): Print

12.11.2021 / Uni Köln Studie untersucht Booster-Effekt der Corona-Impfungen (Kölnische Rundschau): Uni Köln: Studie untersucht Booster-Effekt der Corona-Impfungen | Kölnische Rundschau (

09.11.2021 / Studie zur Wirksamkeit der Booster-Impfung (Frankfurt Live):

08.11.2021 /Neue Studie startet in Köln Wie gut sind Booster-Impfungen wirklich? (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger):–39112684

03.11.2021 / Alle Infos zur Auffrischung Wann kann ich mir die Booster-Impfung gegen Corona holen? (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger): Booster-Impfung: Wer braucht die dritte Impfdosis? | Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (

26.10.2021 / Nach Kimmich-Aussage Was Experten zu Langzeitfolgen der Corona-Impfung sagen (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger):

25.10.2021 / Uniklinik Köln sucht Probanden für Drittimpfung (WDR): TV

13.10.2021 / Studie zur Wirksamkeit der Booster-Impfung (Radio Köln): Radio

28.09.2021 / Zu langsam, zu mühsam, zu wenig (SZ): Print

27.09.2021 / Der geringe Beitrag der deutschen COVID-19-Forschung (Tagesspiegel): Print 

16.07.2021 / ECCMID 2021 TV: Talking trials with Oliver Cornely (ECCMID TV):

10.07.2021 / Hunderte Kölner trotz zweiter Impfung infiziert (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger): Print

09.07.2021 / Zu wenig Antikörper? Was wir über die COVID-19-Todesfälle bei geimpften Kölnern wissen? (Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger)

30.06.2021 / Coronavirus: Government advisor part of €12m grant for Covid vaccine research (Cyprus Mail):

27.05.2021 / Aufholjagd: Das europäische Impfstoff-Netzwerk Vaccelerate (ARTE):

12.05.2021 / Expert says at least one booster vaccine shot necessary (in-Cyprus):

11.04.2021 / Pulse of Europe Rheinland: „Europa – Gesundheitspolitik für eine krisenfeste Zukunft?“ (Event):

14.03.2021 / 11.111 – VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry (Kölner Universitätsmagazin):



VACCELERATE-related Scientific Publications

17.07.2024 / Innovative approaches for vaccine trials as a key component of pandemic preparedness – a white paper (Infection):

09.07.2024 / Immunogenicity, reactogenicity and safety of a second booster with BNT162b2 or full-dose mRNA-1273: a randomised VACCELERATE trial in adults ≥75 years (EU-COVAT-1-AGED Part B) (Int J Infect Dis.):

28.05.2024 / Challenges in assessing the immunization status of adults in Germany—lessons from a population-based VACCELERATE survey on polio vaccination (Infection):

25.04.2024 / Coordination of COVID‑19 platform trials in Europe (Trials):

04.04.2024 / Perspectives of European Patient Advocacy Groups on Volunteer Registries and Vaccine Trials: VACCELERATE Survey Study (JMIR):

22.12.2023 / Immunogenicity, Reactogenicity and Safety of a Second Booster with BNT162b2 or Full-Dose mRNA-1273: A Randomised VACCELERATE Trial in Adults ≥75 Years (EU-COVAT-1-AGED Part B) (Preprints with The Lancet):

06.12.2023 / Predicting the next pandemic: VACCELERATE ranking of the World health Organization's Blueprint for action to prevent epidemics (Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease):

29.11.2923 / The Challenges of Vaccine Trial Participation among Underserved and Hard-to-Reach Communities: An Internal Expert Consultation of the VACCELERATE Consortium (vaccines):

02.11.2023 / Distinct receptor binding domain IgG thresholds predict protective host immunity across SARS-CoV-2 variants and time (nature communications):

31.10.2023 / Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of a first booster with BNT162b2 or full-dose mRNA-1273: A randomised VACCELERATE trial in adults 75 years (EU-COVAT-1) (Vaccine):

27.10.2023 / Epidemiology of Acute Respiratory Infection with SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A & B Viruses, Respiratory Syncytial Virus, and Adenovirus in VACCELERATE Volunteers in Germany (Preprints with THE LANCET):

01.09.2023 / Factors that impact on recruitment to vaccine trials in the context of a pandemic or epidemic: a qualitative evidence synthesis (Cochrane Library):

18.05.2023 / VACCELERATE Site Network: Real-time definition of clinical study capacity in Europe (Vaccine):

03.04.2023 / Enhancing Public Health Communication Regarding Vaccine Trials: Design and Development of the Pan-European VACCELERATE Toolkit (JMIR Publications):

07.12.2022 / Efficacy and safety of COVID‐19 vaccines (Cochrane Library):

11.2022 / Performance and validation of an adaptable multiplex assay for detection of serologic response to SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination (Journal of Immunological Methods):

10.2022 / Monkeypox diagnostic and treatment capacity at epidemic onset: A VACCELERATE online survey (Journal of Infection and Public Health):

08.10.2022 / A multinational, phase 2, randomised, adaptive protocol to evaluate immunogenicity and reactogenicity of different COVID-19 vaccines in adults ≥75 already vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 (EU-COVAT-1-AGED): a trial conducted within the VACCELERATE network (Trials):

04.10.2022 / Dynamics of humoral and cellular immune responses after homologous and heterologous SARS-CoV-2 vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 (eBioMedicine):

19.09.2022 / Monkeypox in children and adult women in Europe: Results from a flash VACCELERATE pilot survey (Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica):

31.08.2022 / Vaccination rates in Europe are not associated with online media intensity (JCOM Journal of Science Communication):

18.06.2022 / A pilot surveillance report of SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen test results among volunteers in Germany, 1st week of July 2022 (Infection):

13.06.2022 / Rapid, scalable assessment of SARS-CoV-2 cellular immunity by whole-blood PCR (Nature Biotechnology):

02.06.2022 / VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry: A European study participant database to facilitate clinical trial enrolment (Vaccine):

05.04.2022 / A rapid antibody screening haemagglutination test for predicting immunity to SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (Communications Medicine):

23.03.2022 / Development of Potent Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses in Long-Term Hemodialysis Patients After 1273-mRNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination (Frontiers in Immunology):

11.01.2022 / Factors that impact on recruitment to vaccine trials during a pandemic or epidemic: a qualitative evidence synthesis (Cochrane Library):

04.10.2021 / Induction of High Levels of Specific Humoral and Cellular Responses to SARS-CoV-2 After the Administration of Covid-19 mRNA Vaccines Requires Several Days (Frontiers in Immunology):

03.08.2021 / Differential effects of the second SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine dose on T cell immunity in naive and COVID-19 recovered individuals (Cell Reports):

29.07.2021 / Heterologous prime–boost vaccination with ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 and BNT162b2 (The Lancet Infectious Diseases):

27.05.2021 / Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity of BNT162b2 in Subjects Having Received a First Dose of ChAdOx1s: Initial Results of a Randomised, Adaptive, Phase 2 Trial (CombiVacS) (The Lancet):



KIT 2023 / VACCELERATE Talks and Posters

14-17 June 2023

16th Congress for Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine
Leipzig, Germany

Pint of Science / VACCELERATE Talk 

24 May 2023, 19.00 Die Tankstelle, Kyffhäuser Str. 19 50674, Cologne

Tickets (only 2.5€):

SCT 44th Annual Meeting

21-24 May 2023 Baltimore, USA

Public Health Conference Timisoara, Romania

11-13 May 2023

Organized by the Regional Center of Public Health Timisoara, EPIVEST Association and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara.

The conference targeted public health specialists from the regional public health authorities, medical schools and hospitals.

CECAD Open Day

06 May 2023, 10.00-17.00

Visit our VACCELERATE booth, special campagin with the Vacuna vaccination app (



33rd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

 15 – 18 April 2023 Copenhagen, Denmark

11. Deutsch-Österreichischen-AIDS-Kongress (DÖAK 2023) 
23-25 March 2023 Bonn, Germany

2nd VACCELERATE Annual Meeting 16 MARCH 2023

1st Scientific Meeting of the National CY Vaccination Committee 

22 October 2022, Cyprus

MYK 2022

12-14 September 2022 Vienna, Austria

CZECRIN Annual Research Conference 2022 

09 JUNE 2022 Brno, Czech Republic

International Clinical Trials Day (ICTD) 2022

17 MAY 2022 Berlin, Germany

FAMHP Vaccine Symposium

10 May 2022

Prof. Pierre Van Damme presenting VACCELERATE in his talk „Perspective for the future: Vaccinopolis and biopreparedness initiative“

40th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Infectious Diseases (ESPID) 

09-13 MAY 2022 Athens, Greece

World Vaccine Day 14 MAY 2022

On World Vaccine Day people around the world celebrate the benefits of vaccines. This day aims to raise awareness of the many positive contributions that vaccines make to our society. 

More information on

23-26 APRIL 2022

32nd European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Lisbon, Portugal

1st Cypriot-Greek VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry Webinar with local National Patient Advocacy Groups 28 MARCH 2022

– To seek the support of PAG Members in completing the VAC PAG questionnaire (perspectives of PAGs for participation in clinical trials and volunteer registries)

– To invite them to join the VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry by becoming volunteers in our Cypriot Greek VAC platforms More than 12 PAGs participated

You can watch the video of the webinar (in Greek) here:

The First World Conference Fighting COVID-19 Pandemic Health Challenges

26-28 MARCH 2022, Belgrade, Serbia.

VACCELERATE talk: Jon Salmanton-García: VACCELERATE: The pan-European backbone for the acceleration of phase 2 & 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials

1st VACCELERATE Annual Meeting 09-10 MARCH 2022

With a keynote lecture by top leading expert Stephen Lockhart  from Pfizer:
Vaccine Clinical Trials: Key Factors for Success – BNT162 as an Example.