Volunteer Registry Videos
VACCELERATE Showcase Event: Project Highlights, Key Results, Research Impact
VACCELERATE Arzt-Patient:innen Webinar Wir sind erkältet und bald ist Weihnachten (in German)
VACCELERATE Arzt-Patient:innen Webinar Grippe? Corona? Wer sollte sich impfen lassen und wann? (in German)
Global Health Cast Special 2: VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry
Interview with Prof. Heinz-Josef Schmitt, Prof. Oliver A. Cornely, Dr. Zoi Pana and Dr. Janina Leckler: https://id-ea.org/global-health-cast-special-2/
VACCELERATE Volunteer Registry
What is this all about? And how does it work? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6an3jDQKW4
Work Package Leads & National Coordinators 2022
This video provides information on VACCELERATE, especially on the Work Package Leads and National Coordinators who are introducing themselves with short statements: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRSMqdysers
VACCELERATE Work Package Leads 2022
Meet the VACCELERATE Work Package Leaders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xDxa5a0K9A
VACCELERATE National Coordinators 2022
Meet the VACCELERATE National Coordinators for each participating country: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilVsI0erlHI
VACCELERATE Video for Adults
Video on the EU-funded project VACCELERATE, clinical trials and the role of volunteers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAk8qMRaYdg
VACCELERATE Video for Children (English)
A VACCELERATE video especially for children, explaining the process of clinical trials, the development of vaccines and the role of volunteers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZqPSe-YyxY
VACCELERATE Video für Kinder (German)
Ein VACCELERATE Video speziell für Kinder, das den Prozess klinischer Studien, die Impfstoffentwicklung und die Rolle von Probanden erklärt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJIu-s3xhbE
VACCELLARE Video per bambini (Italian)
Un video di VACCELERATE dedicato ai bambini, che spiega il processo di sperimentazione clinica, lo sviluppo del vaccino e il ruolo dei volontari: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7q90xGFF60
VACCELERATE Vídeo para niños (Spanish)
Un vídeo de VACCELERATE especialmente dirigido a los niños, en el que se explica el proceso de los ensayos clínicos, el desarrollo de las vacunas y el papel de los voluntarios: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7ifeVfUIjY&t=1s
VACCELERATE Βίντεο για παιδιά (Greek)
Ένα βίντεο VACCELERATE ειδικά για παιδιά, που εξηγεί τη διαδικασία των κλινικών δοκιμών, την ανάπτυξη των εμβολίων και το ρόλο των εθελοντών: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn9rtQqKPUg
Helena Hervius Askling, Senior Physician in Infectious Diseases who is part of the project group for Vaccelerate, tells us more about Vaccelerate.
„If you are concerned that we can manufacture safe and effective vaccines in the future and prevent pandemics, then you should register for the register,“ she says.
What is VACCELERATE about?